Heidi Hunter

Heidi Hunter


Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
  • Existing Patient - Consultation
  • New Patient - First Consultation
  • Behavioural Examination - For Kids
  • New Patient - Keratoconus - Consultation
  • Orthokeratology (Myopia Control) - Initial Consult
  • Diabetic Eye Test
  • Existing Patient - Keratoconus Consultation
  • Eye Test
  • Heidi is a true Novocastrian, having grown up in Lake Macquarie before moving to Sydney for university in 1996 and graduating from UNSW in 2000. Before joining the practice she spent time consulting with a local ophthalmologist, a laser refractive surgery clinic, and many optometric practices in the Newcastle region. As well as looking after patients, she lectures about eyes and vision to university students, school teachers, GPs, nurses, and pharmacists. She is a clinical supervisor of optometry students for Flinders University, Deakin University, and the University of NSW, and a past writer for Mivision and optometric speaker on ABC radio. Amidst raising two active teenage boys, Heidi is on the national board of the not-for-profit Cornea & Contact Lens Society of Australia and a NSW/ACT board member of Optometry Australia. She is dedicated to educating colleagues on RGP (rigid gas permeable) custom contact lens fitting, such as for keratoconus and corneal grafts, and has lectured at conferences throughout Australia on various clinical topics. Heidi’s professional interests include myopia control, and anything and everything to do with contact lenses. Heidi also enjoys the challenge of solving problems people are having with their existing glasses, including multifocals (progressives).
    B Optom (UNSW), Grad Cert OcTher, Aust College Behavioural Optometry member
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    Open today until 01:00 pm

    Custom EyeCare

    Opening Hours

    09:00 am - 05:20 pm
    09:00 am - 05:20 pm
    09:00 am - 05:20 pm
    09:00 am - 07:20 pm
    09:00 am - 05:20 pm
    09:00 am - 01:00 pm