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Psychologists in ACT

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Psychologists in NT

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Brenda Ford Psychologist

Brenda Ford Psychologist

4 KellawY St, Fannie Bay NT

I am a Registered Psychologist, have adult children, and now, grandchildren. Over the years I have learned to use the art and science of Psychology to support clients and to help them achieve what they choose as the best possible outcome for them. I have an honors degree in Psychology, and a Master's in Public Health, and more than twenty five years experience in counseling in a variety of settings. I am trained in telephone counseling, and am qualified to offer online counseling via skype and video chat. Like most experienced and highly qualified psychologists, I use evidence based and outcome focused approaches. The type of counseling used is chosen to suit the individual client, and chosen to ensure that the client is supported and assisted to achieve whatever goals they choose to aim for. Experience: I began my professional life working in, among other places, small mining towns and small communities. As practical experience goes, that was an accelerated course. I saw people of all ages, and supported them through most of the situations that arise in the course of human life. At different times, I have worked with business organisations, young people, old - in some cases very old - people, and many in between. Quite often I have had clients referred to me to assist with managing physical problems. Stress, for example, can make diabetes worse. Qualifications & Education: First and foremost, I am registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency and have a Provider Number. People who have Private Medical Insurance, or who are referred by their Physician are eligible for refunds. University of Melbourne Bachelor of Arts (honours) University of Melbourne Diploma of Education Charles Darwin University Graduate Certificate in Applied Psychology South Australian Association of Hypnosis Diploma of Hypnotherapy Menzies School of Health Research Master of Public Health

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MyPsych NT

MyPsych NT

Shop 1, 869 Stuart Highway, Holtze NT

MyPsych NT is a Ter­ri­to­ry-based ther­a­py ser­vice, estab­lished by Tanya Davis and Mark Drake, both Reg­is­tered Psy­chol­o­gists. They hold exten­sive expe­ri­ence and qual­i­fi­ca­tions in the men­tal health sec­tor. MyPsych NT pro­vides assess­ment, diag­no­sis and ther­a­py ser­vices. We work with indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies, groups, organ­i­sa­tions and mem­bers of our Armed Forces (Dept. of Defence). At MyPsych NT, we work with peo­ple to iden­ti­fy their indi­vid­ual needs. We cre­ate a work­ing plan for strength­en­ing and recov­ery that is based on the unique nature of each person. Both Tanya and Mark have focussed their prac­tice on mind­ful­ness inter­ven­tion ther­a­pies. Self aware­ness in prac­tice can change lives for the bet­ter, help­ing peo­ple move for­ward and devel­op strength of mind. We help peo­ple take con­trol of their future. Both our psy­chol­o­gists have been recog­nised inter­na­tion­al­ly as mind­ful­ness inter­ven­tion researchers and have drawn com­men­tary and atten­tion from Amer­i­can psy­chol­o­gists work­ing in the same area. Mark and Tanya have ded­i­cat­ed them­selves to being at the fore­front of mind­ful­ness based treat­ment in Australia.

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Psychologists in SA

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Anelia Jeliazkova Psychology

Anelia Jeliazkova Psychology

8 Hughes Avenue, St Agnes SA

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9a Winding Way, Belair SA

I offer support, understanding and psychological help to enable you to resolve: - emotional problems - relationship and marital problems - sexual concerns - gender issues - grief - retirement issues to restore balance and wellbeing in your life.

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Liz Moriarty and Associates PL

Liz Moriarty and Associates PL

10 Eleanor Street, Mount Gambier SA

Liz Moriarty & Associates provides highly professional yet personable support for mental health and other life challenges. Our services include counselling, therapy, dispute resolution services, critical incident debriefing, and tailored staff training programs. Established in 1993, the team at Liz Moriarty & Associates have developed an accessible and dependable practice servicing the Limestone Coast and upper South East region.

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Mena B Global

Mena B Global

PO Box 548, Stepney SA

Filomena Bruno founded MenaBGlobal to focus on a global reach while allowing her to maintain a face to face presence with her coaching and consulting clients. She brings over 30 years’ experience as a practising psychologist, registered with the Psychology Board of Australia through AHPRA and is also an experienced and qualified clinical hypnotherapist. Helping others live a more fulfilling and meaningful life and to achieve their potential is in her DNA. Her passion is applied neuroscience and brain science, and utilising the latest evidence-based tools and strategies to enhance her current focus as coach and mentor within a positive psychology framework. Telehealth consultations are also available. Since 2016 Filomena has been working closely with Bob Proctor and is an independent Consultant with Proctor Gallagher Institute. Bob Proctor was featured in the movie, The Secret and more recently, Think and Grow Rich - The Legacy. Filomena completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree, the Diploma in Applied Psychology at the University of Adelaide, completing. In 2013 she was awarded a Master of Creative Writing from the University of Canberra. Her first book, an Illustrated Book for Older Children is due to be published late 2020. You can follow Filomena on social media: Facebook @menabconsulting; Instagram @menabconsulting; LinkedIn @menabruno

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Psychologists in WA

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Applecross Psychological Services

Applecross Psychological Services

Office 1, Applecross WA

At Applecross Psychological Services, we are not interested in being your own personal guru or saviour. What we offer is simple: independent, professional and confidential counselling from a qualified psychologist. Life can be difficult and challenges do come our way. This can make us feel confused, overwhelmed or out of control. When we feel like this, we can find ourselves feeling and behaving in ways that we normally would not. This can affect your work and relationships. Counselling is an opportunity for you to talk about your experience with a qualified psychologist. Talking through a problem in a safe, confidential environment can provide other perspectives, insights and clarity. This can assist you in your decision making, as well as providing relief and realistic strategies.

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Cairnes Psychology

Cairnes Psychology

73 Bussell Highway, Busselton WA

Lauren has over 30 years working in counselling and education. Her personal style is warm, engaging and passionate and builds upon her significant academic qualifications in psychology, education and human resource management. As a clinician and trainer she uses Solution Focussed and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy based approaches, and integrates these ideas to help you build and maintain work and life balance for you. B.Ed, BA(Psych), PostGradDipPsych., M.HRM CREDENTIALS Lauren completed a Bachelor of: - Education and then a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology then a Post - Graduate Diploma of Psychology as her 4th Year. She is registered with the Australian Health - Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and a member of the Australian - Psychological Society (APS). Lauren is trained in several evidence-based approaches, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Brief Solutions Focussed Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). EXPERIENCE Lauren has experience working with a diverse range of clients, including children, adolescents and adults. Lauren has a keen interest in working with people experiencing workplace issues, life direction coaching, low self-esteem and interpersonal difficulties. She has worked in a range of settings, including schools, non-government organisations, and private practice.

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Focus Psychology

Focus Psychology

13 MacKinnon Street, Rockingham WA

I adopt an empathic and non-judgmental approach to create a safe space for change. Using evidence-based practices to promote self-understanding among clients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix: therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the client and psychologist. But in the end, making small changes to self-defeating behaviour and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.

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Health and Wellness Psychology

Health and Wellness Psychology

12A, 64-66 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA

Here at Health and Wellness we offer a variety of different approaches to counselling and psychology. We work with you to determine the best ways we can help you to improve your overall wellbeing. We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment, so you feel at home with us. We understand how tough it can be to reach out for help when you need it and are here to fully support you and let your needs guide our treatment approach. Psychologist Elisa Mladenovic has a variety of specialisations and ways of adapting to your circumstances, so we can build the treatment program that feels most beneficial for you and your needs.

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Psychologists in NSW

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About You Psychology

About You Psychology

6 Sea Street, West Kempsey NSW

Allan Anderson is an Australian-based health professional. Allan is trained as a Psychologist and has a practice located in West Kempsey.

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Ahead Counselling Psychology

Ahead Counselling Psychology

3 Hills St, Gosford NSW

Dee is a warm, local psychologist with over 30 years experience in the counselling field. Based in Gosford, she is well known to both local community and GPs on the Central Coast of New South Wales. She is registered to work with Workcover, Medicare referrals from GPs and EAP referrals (Employee Assistance Programme referrals from employers) Ahead Counselling Psychology focuses on treating individuals and couples: many folk find relief from therapy for relationship problems, anxiety, depression, grief, anger management and so much more.

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Amazing Ageing Psychology

Amazing Ageing Psychology

Gordon Executive Centre Suite 1A Level 2, Gordon NSW

Amazing Ageing Psychology was established by Jane Turner, a Senior Clinical Psychologist with over 20 year’s experience working with older people. Having acquired a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Psychology and a Masters of Clinical Psychology from Macquarie University, Jane is passionate about improving the mental health and quality of life of older Australians. Jane loves her work and is committed to empowering people as they age. Old age doesn’t have to be all about sickness, disability, depression or institutionalisation. Old age can be amazing! Jane and her team at Amazing Ageing Psychology offer expert Clinical Psychological Assessments (including cognitive and behavioural) and evidence-based therapy for individuals; education and counselling for families; and professional education and training for residential care staff to help them understand and manage the unique psychological challenges of their ageing residents.

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Black Crow Psychology

Black Crow Psychology

Googong, Googong NSW

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Psychologists in QLD

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Affinity Psychological Services

Affinity Psychological Services

2/18 Park Ave, Burleigh Heads QLD

Are you feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Not sleeping well? Let me help you. Seeking support from a psychologist can seem a bit daunting at first but from the moment you make the decision to get help, it starts to get easier. Remember that many people are confronted with life difficulties that can trigger stress, anxiety, anger, depression and other issues. I will assist you to gain insight into the situation and we will work together to develop strategies to create the positive changes that will enable you to live a more fulfilling life. I have dedicated my professional career to providing the highest quality of psychology services for adults. I specialise in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and draw on my vast experience and professional training to match the appropriate treatment with each individual. I have expertise in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of psychological conditions

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Axis Clinic - New Farm Park

Axis Clinic - New Farm Park

Level One, Stores BuildingBrisbane Powerhouse119 Lamington Street, New Farm QLD

We are a collaborative team with a collaborative approach, focused on delivering continuity of care for individuals and their extended support network - family, carers, friends. We are committed to early intervention and taking a proactive approach. Our treatment plans draw upon various evidenced based psychological approaches including Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as Motivational Interviewing and Psychodynamic ideas. We understand what it means to be human - we don’t see a mental illness, we see a person. When it comes to mental health, it is personal. Our interactions are shaped by authenticity, compassion and genuine care. We strive to provide an inclusive and accessible service and welcome referrals from treating medical professionals, as well as individual enquiries. We support links within psychiatric care and can offer proactive and case managed responses for complex issues. We offer a number of group therapy programs and work alongside community organisations, workplaces, not for profits and schools to proactively strengthen the mental health of the wider community.

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5/16 Tweed Street, Southport QLD

Graeme Deeth and Deborah Marshall Deeth of CPCCPC offer comprehensive psychological services to individuals, families, groups and organisations. Depending on the situation, they will undertake face to face, group and remote counselling, with all interventions based on continued individual assessments and applied using practical, clinical and research-based knowledge. CPCCPC uses an Applied Psycho-Educational (APE) approach to focus on individual wellness and personal growth rather than traditional psychotherapy or medical disease models. Our approach works on an underlying assumption that, with the correct knowledge and support, our clients are more than capable of making positive, long-term changes. In this way, our clients become independent thinkers who can take charge of their own health and wellbeing. Our services and areas of interest include: -Counselling -Psychotherapy -Clinical and corporate psychology -Personal and corporate coaching -Relationship and marital issues and conflicts -Parenting and family relationships -Gender, sexuality and affairs -Alternative relationship styles -Divorce, grief and loss -Anger Management and stress relief management -Trauma, addiction, recovery and assertion -Sleep disorders and insomnia CPCCPC on the Gold Coast offers psychology services, counselling, couples counselling and relationship advice to our clients. If you would like to know more about Graeme and Deborah, find out about us here. You are welcome to sign up to our blog and keep up to date with the latest research on relationship building and emotional wellness. Do you have a question, or need to chat in confidence? Contact us today.

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Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic Brisbane

Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic Brisbane

27 Days Road, GRANGE QLD

Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic help you build the bridge and close the gap from where you are now, to where you want to be in your life. We can help you BREAK the negative cycles, and overcome the underlying issues that hold you back from moving forward and creating the life you want. Some of these issues include: - Depression - Anxiety - Stress - Disordered Eating - Binge Eating Disorder - Food Addiction - Emotional Eating - Stress Eating - Night-time Eating - Body Image Issues - Grief & Loss - Attachment Issues - Adjustment Issues - Trauma & Abuse - Weight & Obesity - Weight Loss Surgery Counselling and Assessments (Pre & Post)  At Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic we empower you to create a life that you believe is worth living and is filled with unique possibilities. We will support and guide you to understand yourself and unique situation, and provide you with practical knowledge, skills and tools which will allow you to develop new mindsets, behaviours and beliefs for long-term success. You will then have the confidence in creating and directing a life filled with balance, acceptance, purpose, satisfaction, health and happiness. Contact us, or book your Consultation Online today! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic also offer: - Group Support - Weight Loss Surgery Assessments and Counselling Contact us to find out more! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * Terms and Conditions Full Fee is Payable at the time of Consultation for in-person Consults Full Fee is Payable 3 working days prior to Online Consultations REBATES & BULK-BILLING Medicare rebates and bulk-billing, and Private Health rebates may apply (if eligible). If you would like more information, please contact Fit Minds & Bodies Clinic today!

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Psychologists in VIC

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AHA Allied Health Alliance

AHA Allied Health Alliance

Shop 10 Nexus Centre, Gisborne VIC

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All Psyched Up!

All Psyched Up!

PO Box 13, Hastings VIC

Award-Winning Practice Now Online For Your Convenience

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Annabelle Afan

Annabelle Afan

105 Hunts Rd, Bittern VIC

I specialise in low mood, depression and anxiety. I also work with ADHD students, adults. I enjoy setting goals and a future with my clients so they are able to complete their wants and wishes. I work closely with the client encouraging community and healthy relationships around them as I believe your environment has a large affect on getting what it is that you want for your life and to finding your joy.

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