As a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney for over 20 years, Rosemary Clancy has extensive mental health experience which can benefit your patients, through psychological assessment and evidence-based, best-practice treatments for circadian sleep-wake disorders and insomnia, as well as associated mood and anxiety issues.
Her background in mental health (post -Clinical Psychology Masters degree from Adelaide University) stems from a decade (1993-2003) with Macarthur Mental Health (SWSAHS), treating adult mood, anxiety, sleep and eating disorders. Since 2008 she has been Senior Psychologist/Allied Health Manager at The Sydney Clinic, where she has continued to specialise in treating insomnia, anxiety (including panic, phobic, and obsessive compulsive, disorders), and mood (particularly major depression, and bipolar patients’ sleep needs).
Now at the multidisciplinary Sydney Sleep Centre, she can provide your patients with proven behavioural and cognitive interventions to regulate sleep-wake cycles and manage/stabilise mood, and treat worry, panic and unhelpful coping behaviours associated with sleep disorders.