A Helpful Guide For People Suffering From Sleep Apnea

There are millions of people all around the world who go to sleep every night, only to be disturbed by snoring, gasping, and sleeplessness. Everybody deserves a good night’s sleep and without it, chaos may unfold. People who don’t get good sleep are at a higher risk of suffering from diseases or conditions, including hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and cardiac issues. 

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes people to stop breathing intermittently while they sleep, typically leading to broken sleep or a general lack of rest. Many people suffering from sleep apnea don’t even know they have the condition, as it may just seem normal to them to wake up a few times each night. Having sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea is very important, as ignoring this potentially deadly condition may seriously damage your health in the long run. 

Here are some of the symptoms, treatments, and further steps that you could take to treat or even rectify sleep apnea. As with any medical issue, it’s vital that you are professionally diagnosed and follow the treatment advice of a medical professional. Depending on where you are, there may be many options available for you to discover if you have sleep apnea, including your doctor, sleep clinics and even some pharmacies.

1. The Warning Signs

There are a few warning signs that may point towards a greater problem. The American Sleep Apnea Association has a little quiz that asks a few questions that may help indicate whether you suffer from sleep apnea or not. These questions include:

  • Do you snore regularly and loudly?
  • Have you ever gasped for air while asleep?
  • Do you wake up feeling tired or with a headache?
  • Do you feel lethargic and exhausted during the day?
  • Do you ever fall asleep while doing nothing or while driving?
  • Do you have issues with your concentration and focus?

If you exhibit a number of these symptoms, you should get it checked by a trained medical professional. The simple fact that you may snore does not necessarily mean you have sleep apnea, but most people who do suffer from sleep apnea are regular and loud snorers. Excess sleepiness is another symptom of sleep apnea and if you have to take a humongous dose of caffeine just to stay awake during the day, you might be in trouble. Other signs of fatigue and lack of adequate sleep that may indicate the presence of sleep apnea include insomnia, sore throats, headaches, and high blood pressure. 

2. Treatments

If you are suffering from sleep apnea, it’s not the end of the world - there are a number of treatment options available. Depending on the cause and severity, treatment options may include surgery, You can try to go with the surgical route or you can opt for alternative therapies. There are also numerous devices available to help you manage sleep apnea. If you choose to go ahead with treatment, you’ll be able to end the snoring and broken sleep that you get every night. It may even reduce the risk of accidents due to lack of sleep and reduce the instances of anxiety or depression that may result from insufficient rest.

If your case is relatively mild, you may be able to reduce instances of sleep apnea through changes in your lifestyle such as quitting smoking or losing excess weight. Treatment of nasal allergies may also be of benefit. If your symptoms aren’t alleviated by these measures, you’ll have to choose advanced equipment or surgery. 

The most well-known method to treat sleep apnea is using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. This machine delivers air through the mask that you’ll have to wear while sleeping. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) occurs when the airways collapse or become obstructed during sleep. A CPAP machine provides a constant plow of oxygen through the nose and mouth during sleep, preventing the airways from collapsing and providing a good night’s sleep. 

CPAP machines may be rather costly, even when you factor in possible Medicare rebates. You have to maintain medical equipment properly in order to keep them in good working order and avoid any damage. Luckily, CPAP cleaning is easy, and machines can last you a long time if you take proper care of them. 

Other machines to control sleep apnea include BIPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure), ASV (Adaptive Servo-Ventilation). The kind of machine you may need will be determined by the severity and kind of sleep apnea you suffer.

Other forms of sleep apnea include Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), in which the brain doesn’t send the correct messages to the breathing muscles during sleep, and Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome, a combination of both Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea.

3. Diagnosis Options

Based on the symptoms you’re exhibiting, a doctor may check your sleep history and investigate deeper if they feel like there’s a serious issue. You may also be sent to a sleep disorder specialist who’ll help you determine if you need further evaluations or not. These evaluations will include overnight monitoring at a sleep center or at home with monitoring devices and this will help you identify your breathing patterns and other bodily functions when you’re sleeping. 

There are various tests done to evaluate your case of sleep apnea and they include Nocturnal Polysomnography that utilises specialised equipment to monitor your various organs including your heart, lungs, brain, arms, legs, and blood oxygen levels. Another method that’s frequently suggested is a home sleep test during which you’ll employ simpler tests to diagnose your sleep apnea. 

Therapy is often prescribed if the test results are positive, and they’ll try to rectify this issue without any surgical procedures. If these methods aren’t able to solve your issues, you may have to undergo surgery. You may also be referred to an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist or a cardiologist as they’ll be able to evaluate other underlying conditions that may be the root cause behind your sleep apnea.

If you snore frequently and loudly, wake up multiple times during the night or sleepwalk through your days due to a lack of sleep, you may have issues relating to your sleep. Many people with sleep apnea may not even know it, as being tired has become something that they have become used to.

If you have issues with sleep, the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with your doctor and have your sleep problem investigated. The fastest and easiest way to search for and book a healthcare appointment from the comfort of home (or bed) is through MyHealth1st.

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