Effective Tips That Will Take Your Fear Of Dentists Away

For some reason, a large number of the general population have developed anxiety and fear of going to see a dentist. While it’s normal for people to get jitters before going to any medical appointment, it seems that dentists have an undeniable reputation for being one of the most feared, so much so that a lot of people barely make time to see them unless they’re having a dental emergency. But like the rest of the body, our dental health requires regular checkups, cleaning, and other maintenance work such as fillings. So what could be preventing you from getting all this done? 

What Causes Dental Fear And Anxiety?

While many people won’t admit it, some have shared that their fear comes from traumatic experiences as a child. Maybe they’ve had a bad experience and felt pain from an encounter in the past. It is natural to feel anxious when on a dental chair, there is just something about laying on your back while somebody invades your personal space and examines your open mouth that can make one feel quite vulnerable and helpless. The dentist is right there in front of your face, in your line of sight. It can feel incredibly awkward, sometimes you don’t even know where you’re supposed to look. Let’s face it, the sounds that the dental tools and machines make don’t really make you feel at ease. Neither does their appearance - they’re basically tiny picks and drills, making it seem as if there’s a deep excavation project going on in your mouth.

7 Things To Help You Get Over Your Dental Fear

1. Acknowledging Your Fear

Just as with any problem, the first step in overcoming is to acknowledge your fear. Only after acknowledging there is a problem can you proceed with a solution. Recognising and accepting the fact that you are afraid might even make you realize the root of your fear or anxiety and help specifically target it at the source.

2. Finding The Right Dentist

The most important key is finding a dentist you actually like and trust. Some dentists may act cold and stern, they get the job done, nothing more. But there are some dentists, like the Scottsdale orthodontists at Dunn Orthodontics, who go the extra mile to make you feel comfortable and reassure you that you are in good hands.

To find the right dentist for you, try asking your friends and family for recommendations. You can also search online for a dentist near you . The fastest and easiest way to search for and book dental appointments online is through MyHealth1st. If you want to learn more about a practice before booking, make sure to check their website and read any reviews on their Google My Business profile.Once you’ve narrowed it down, call to set an appointment with each one, observe how the receptionist communicates with you. A good and welcoming clinic matters, the overall feel of the staff and environment is key to making your experience more pleasant.

3.Keep Up Open Communication

It is best to always be transparent in how you are feeling. Tell your dentist about your fear and anxiety. By doing so you can help your dentist plan and take the necessary steps to make you feel more comfortable. Your dentist will be able to customise your treatment to fit your needs. Most dentists will ask you how you are doing or feeling during the treatment or procedure, don’t hesitate to say or signal that you want to stop if ever you feel uncomfortable.

4. Bring A Friend

It is always more reassuring to have someone you know and trust with you during stressful times. This is especially true if you are having something more critical done, such as a tooth extraction or a root cana l. Ideally bring someone who doesn’t have the same fears and anxiety about dentists. Ask someone who can help comfort you and encourage you, a friend to tell you that there is nothing to be afraid of. Simply having someone to hold your hand or just sit nearby while you have your treatment may help you overcome your fear. Make sure to ask your dentist for permission to bring your friend or family member into the room.

5. Ask For Anesthetics If Applicable

If you are anticipating any sort of pain, don’t hesitate to inquire about the different types of dental sedatives and anesthetics that they may be able to administer to make the procedure less traumatic for you, or at least, pain free. You can discuss with them what type of anaesthetic may work best for you and the treatment you are about to undergo.

6. Distract Yourself By Bringing Something That Makes You Feel At Ease

Bring something to help distract you and redirect your focus away from your anxiety. Maybe listening to your favorite music. A nice calming playlist will soothe you and help you relax . A fidget toy to hold and play with may help focus your mind away from the treatment you are currently having. Another thing that may bring you more relief is a familiar source of comfort, such as a small blanket to cover your legs, eliminating or at least decreasing the feeling of vulnerability. 

7. Breathe

Whatever you do, don’t forget to breathe. Your body has a natural tendency to tense up when it feels threatened or if it is anticipating pain. It is our nervous system’s defense mechanism to protect you from harm. Unfortunately this reflex may also involuntarily make you hold your breath, which may then result in you feeling more anxious. The key is to relax. Practice your breathing, and try to take longer and deeper breaths. You can try counting up from one to four when you inhale, then counting down from four to one on your exhale, then maybe increase the count as you start to feel more comfortable. This may help stabilise your breathing patterns and will naturally calm your body.

You’ll Get Through This!

Dental and oral health is a very important part of our overall wellness . Oral health is not something we can just keep avoiding. The longer you avoid seeing a dentist, the severity of your dental needs may increase, and thus, the fear of more critical treatments may arise. It is best to acknowledge and address your fears, stress, and anxiety early. Build a good relationship with a dentist you’re most comfortable with and get the oral care you need.

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