Suffering From A Cellulite Problem? Here's How You Can Treat It

It’s understandable that many people only want the perfect version of themselves, leading them to try to fix any blemishes or problems they may perceive. The problem is, the human body is imperfect. There are numerous factors that may affect the way a person looks or may feel about themselves, and one of the most annoying has to be cellulite.

Cellulite is caused by fat buildup underneath the skin pushing up against connective tissue causing a dimples appearance in the skin. Many factors cause it and make it more noticeable. It could be your genes, age, body fat percentage, and even the thickness of your skin. The truth is that there’s no telling where and when cellulite may affect a woman’s body.

Cellulite is extremely common. It is estimated that around 85% of all women aged 21 and over have some amount of cellulite.

No matter how common cellulite may be, many women consider it to be an imperfection that must be eradicated. Fortunately, if you’re bothered by cellulite there are several methods with which it may be reduced or treated. If you want to get rid of your cellulite, here are some solutions you might want to consider.

Invasive Treatments

If you want to get rid of your cellulite fast, one of the solutions that you might want to consider is opting for what is referred to as an invasive treatment. Depending on your case and/or your preference, your dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon may recommend an invasive treatment to solve your cellulite problems. Although they may require a recovery period after the procedure, invasive cellulite treatment are generally the fastest way to see results when it comes to cellulite reduction.

Cellulite reduction treatments are considered to be cosmetic procedures and as such are not covered by Medicare. Similarly, unless you have premium cover most private health insurers will not cover the costs either, meaning you will likely have a significant out of pocket expense.

The most common form of invasive cosmetic treatment for cellulite is laser treatment. A small laser probe is inserted under the skin through a small incision. This laser is used to separate the connective tissue fibre that causes dimpling, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and promote collagen growth. The laser therapy may also improve skin elasticity and texture. Laser therapy is typically considered the least invasive of the invasive procedures and only requires a local anaesthetic and one or two days recovery.

Another common invasive treatment involves the doctor using a needle or extremely fine blade to separate the connective tissue fibres that cause dimpling. Like laser therapy, this is a minimally invasive technique and may be performed under local anaesthetic. While this style of treatment does not reduce the amount of fat under the skin, it is extremely effective at reducing the appearance of cellulite, with effects lasting up to around three years. 

A similar treatment is referred to as vacuum-assisted precise tissue release. Again a fine blade is used to cut the connective tissue that causes dimpling, but in addition a vacuum is used to draw up the skin and underlying tissue to help fill in the dimples. It is considered an extremely effective treatment with all but immediately noticeable and long lasting effects.  

Non-Invasive Treatments

If you’re scared to go under the knife, don’t worry, there are also several non-invasive treatments to choose from. Like invasive procedures, these methods are also done by professionals and may provide fast results.

Unlike invasive treatments, these procedures typically require several sessions to maintain your desired results.

Most non-invasive treatments are done with the guidance of a dermatologist. As they don’t involve any serious surgical procedures, they are typically cheaper than invasive treatment. 


Exercise has been known to improve one’s mental well-being and help safeguard against the development of some diseases or conditions. In addition to those benefits, exercise may also improve the appearance of cellulite.

The dimpling synonymous with cellulite is caused by excess subcutaneous fat pushing against the skin and bands of connective tissue. A workout may help you to target weight loss and fat burning in areas specifically affected by cellulite, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite in that area.

If you have cellulite on your legs and glutes, some exercises that may help you burn excess fat in those areas include:

  • Squats
  • Jump squats
  • Step-ups
  • Glute and/or leg kickbacks
  • Side lunges

Aerobic exercises can help burn fat all around the body and improve the appearance of cellulite. These exercises include:

  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Running


Massage may be a helpful, if limited, remedy for cellulite in case your budget doesn’t permit surgeries.

Massage helps improve lymphatic drainage, and may also help stretch the skin to help improve the appearance of cellulite dimpling. Lymphatic draining and skin stretching may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite but results are not guaranteed. That said, massage may still have a host of health benefits, so there’s no reason to avoid massages. 

Water And A Good Diet

Believe it or not, drinking more water may also help with your cellulite problems. This low-cost option doesn’t only keep you hydrated, it also encourages circulation and lymphatic flow. The combination of improved circulation and lymphatic flow may aid in fat reduction or bloating, improving the appearance of your cellulite.

Proper hydration is good for your entire body, skin included. You’ll find that most dermatologists will suggest that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day. You should drink more on a hot day.

We can’t stress enough how important a proper diet is. Eat fruits and vegetables regularly while avoiding sugars. As much as possible, you’d want to avoid sugar and empty carbs as these calorie dense foods are easily processed and can easily be converted to fat that may later contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

Of course, you can still indulge yourself from time to time but make sure to do it in moderation.

Topical Solutions

Topical retinoids are a well-known and effective treatment for cellulite. Research shows that retinoids don’t only target aging and acne, but also increase blood flow and improve skin density, thereby helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

While cellulite is normal it may still affect your body image. If you’re looking to treat your cellulite and reduce its appearance it’s completely up to you what style of treatment that you wish to try but you should keep in mind that results vary from person to person.

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