Hi, I’m Mike.
I graduated from Edith Cowan University in February 2020, holding a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Counselling. In May I registered with the Australian Counselling Association. Until recently I was a bartender, and before going to university, I worked in railway construction on the Perth metro rail system, the country rails, and in the far northwest.
Since February 2019 I’ve been a schools-based social & emotional wellbeing worker, which has been an amazing experience and given me a lot of insight into the many issues faced by today’s youth.
I’ve got experience working with the LGBTQIA+ community, and my practice is fully inclusive and supportive of all sexual and gender identities.
I have a great passion for the quest for meaning, and love helping others find their passion in life. Talking about how we can find meaning in times of trouble, or exploring what truly matters to us, in order to become our self-actualised self, is a powerful feeling that everyone should get to experience.
I’m hoping to bring my lived experiences to the table and provide support for people in need.